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I discussed date rape/regret sex citing real cases to prove the point. Check out too the earlier live hangout about the three D’s of false rape allegations: drink, drugs, and delay.
No doesn’t always mean no, but yes doesn’t always mean yes. This applies not only to sex.
Consent in situations other than those involving sex.
I discussed corrupt police officers including a brief mention of the Daniel Holtzclaw case and the petition nobody signed.
The pernicious influence of Catharine MacKinnon, and the antidote - an interview with the amazing Camille Paglia.
I read out my unanswered correspondence concerning the misleading claims about rape by Rape Crisis Surrey & Sussex. I also covered the recent ludicrous report on rape from Denmark.
The Christian Newman case. This is interesting. And another clear case of regret sex. Julie Gavin - regret sex with two strangers. Just like that!
The International False Rape Timeline can be found at this link:
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